New free tool called Sexilog has been launched by two fellow bloggers Raphael Schitz (@hypervisor_fr ) and Frederic Martin (@vmdude_fr). It provides many built-in dashboards to get real-time logs from your ESXi hosts, vCenter, but also other products which can use Syslog, SNMP traps or Windows event logs. Sexilog is a Free Tool Optimized for VMware vSphere Environment.
It's a pre-built virtual appliance which is very easy to deploy and configure. After download it takes you 1-2 min to configure…
SexiLog is a specific ELK virtual appliance designed for vSphere environment. It’s pre-configured and heavily tuned for VMware ESXi logs. Once connected to your network, set SexiLog as syslog remote host and relax. Rock n' Log.
The product is free to download and use.
SexiLog listens on several ports for log sourcing:
UDP/514 for syslog protocol: A Lot of grok magic designed for VMware ESXi™ here but you can also send anything that looks like syslog. We designed a very tolerant filter
UDP/162 for SNMP traps internaly forwarded as syslog: A bit of grok magic here too, designed for VMware ESXi™ and Veeam B&R™but you can send any SNMP traps as well
UDP/1514 for vCenter logs in json forwared by nxlog agent: The grok filters here are dedicated to vpxd and vpxd-profiler exclusively
UDP/1515 for Windows eventlog forwarded by nxlog agent from your Windows vCenter: You can forward from any Windows as well
Sexilog has several built-in dashboards where the most critical one is probably the one called Kommandatur allowing to see critical problems in real time…
But many other boards (almost 20 !!! ) are presents and can be reached from the top right menu…
Sexilog – Free Tool Optimized for VMware vSphere Environment
How to get started?
1. Download and deploy the OVF template (link) > Start the VM
2. Log in and modify your networks settings (if you don't like to leave default DHCP settings). The default root password is Sex!Log. The default keyboard layout is Qwerty US.
3. Connect to your ESXi host > select your host > Settings > Advanced > Syslog > Global > Change settings to match the IP config you need.
You can also access the quick start page at here.
After the connection via the web browser there is no login or password…
The logs looks really sexy and this free tool is an awesome project which was just released to public yesterday.  It was a tweet from Romain which got me to the information. I think it's worth to check it out !!! Based on Debian wheezy it can be “cooked” by anyone as the folks provide step-by-step Cookbook on how it's built. You can follow @sexilog_fr on Twitter too and remember this URL:
Source: Romain Decker's Blog
will try for sure, looks really sexy! thanks a lot! 🙂
Hi, SexiLog support Free Esxi ?
I know this must be easier to complete than I am making it as I cannot get any data to be displayed. Do they offer support for this free product?
I’m sure that they’ll be able to help.. -:)
Will there be any updates?
Just in case it may be helpful I had to put in this firewall rule before i started to see logs appear. I am running ESXi 6.7 ::
esxcli network firewall ruleset set –ruleset-id=syslog –enabled=true
esxcli network firewall refresh
Looks like they haven’t touched this project since 2015 – which is a shame as it looks great and works well….