Good news. VMware Changed back and brought back certification path for VCAP6 exams, which were previously replaced by VCIX level. Â Yes, VMware VCAP6 exams are back. It's very good news as those VCAPs were fairly popular because of their name and difficultly. Not only that It sounds great “VMware Advanced Certified Professional” but also the tradition. VCAP exams were there since vSphere 4 was born….
New VCAP6 names are VCAP6 Deployment exam and VCAP6 Design exam. ( They could have kept simply VCAP6-DCA and VCAP6-DCD in my honest opinion, but…). The VCAP6 Deployment exam will be lab exam and VCAP6 Design will be design exam. This did not change. No details just yet when those exams will be available.
Those who earn both VCAP6 Design and VCAP6 Deployment certifications will be awarded the VMware Certified Implementation Expert 6 (VCIX6) certification for that track.
Yes so when you do both VCAP 6 exams you're automatically earn VMware Certified Implementation Expert (VCIX) certification.
VCAPs are hard to achieve, those are tough exams which needs a lot of time, commitment and… money. You might ask why? It's because not every certification center has the ability to be able to deliver VCAP exam! So it depends where you live, you might have to travel across country or even abroad to take such an exam. You could certainly follow my travels and my experiences with the VCAP exams (VCAP5-DCA and VCAP5-DCD).
Image courtesy of VMware
What's the new upgrade paths?
- If you hold either a VCAP Administration or Design certification, you will be given credit towards the corresponding VCIX6 requirement for that track, so you only need to take the other VCIX6 exam (the one that you have not earned). For instance, if you have a VCAP5-DCA then you would only need to take the VCIX6 Data Center Design exam to earn your VCIX6-DCV.
- If you hold both VCAP Design and VCAP Admin certifications for a certification track you can take either the VCIX6 Design exam or the VCIX6 Admin exam in order to upgrade to the new VCIX6 credential for your technology track
New upgrade paths:
- From VCAP5 Design to VCIX6 > Earn the VCAP6 Deployment certification by passing the VCAP6 Deployment Exam (lab).
- From VCAP5 Administration to VCIX6 > Earn the VCAP6 Design certification by passing the VCAP6 Design Exam.
- From VCAP5 Administration and VCAP5 Design (both) to VCIX6 > Earn either the VCAP6 Design or the VCAP6 Deployment certification
- From VCAP5 Administration to VCAP6 Deployment > Pass the VCAP6 Deployment Exam (lab)
- From VCAP5 Design to VCAP6 Design > Pass the VCAP6 Design Exam
Anoher information for folks willing to go for VCDX:
VCIX6 certification will be the prerequisite to becoming a VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX), and special benefits will be awarded to those who achieve VCIX6 certification…
The VMware version 6 certification roadmap was not updated just yet with that information. The original post at VMware, by Paul Sorensen, says that there will be a follow up post concerning the guides, recommended training and tips for preparing for those exams… To be followed -:).
New PDF (drafts only for now) has been added concerning the new VCAPs…
The absoute final versions, along with new web pages will be posted on our website in early January, so please make sure to check back the VMware Certification website for the final versions.
Update:Â VMware is getting closer with the VCAPs… Now they're were announced in Beta…. and on invitations only… Check the VMware blog post…
Get Only candidates with either a VCP6 level certification or a VCP5 level certification + a VCAP5 level certification are eligible to take these beta exams. The VCAP Deployment beta exams are available via invitation only.
- VCAP6-DCV Design – exam guide
- VCAP6-DCV Deployment – exam guide
- VCAP6-DTM Design – exam guide
- VCAP6-DTM Deployment – exam guide
- VCAP6-CMA Design – exam guide
- VCAP6-CMA Deployment – exam guide
- VCAP6-NV Deployment – exam guide
Source: VMware Education Blog
Hi Vlan
In my case I’m going for VCAP5 DCD (55) and may I have to change my path or once I get it go for VCAP6 DCD/ VCIX6?
I’d advice you to ask VMware….
Hopefully something will change for better with exam site availability because with VCAP5-DCA the choice was terribly poor. Traveling 500+ kilometers to take an exam was a guarantee for physical and mental exhaustion which was definitely a recipe for a fail.
Haha, sure it was a good question right?
Thanks for the advice Vladan, indeed.
This is good news Vladan! I will prepare for this exam. Hope you gonna have some posts on this to help your followers and subscribers to pass the exams☺
Yes, perhaps when more information and material will become widely available. Thanks for your comment.
The exams never went away – just the individual VCAP certifications.
The “upgrades” from VCAP5 > VCIX6 haven’t changed from what was announced earlier in the year.
This is a popular move!
True, the VCAPs 5 and VCAPs 5.5 they were still present. But not a VCAP 6…. Thanks for the precision Scott.
So, does this mean we don’t need to get a VCP 6 first we can just take the VCAP exam straight?
If I’m not wrong then yes. However you have to be current VCP5 (or 5.5) VCAP5 (VCAP5.5)….. otherwise you won’t get authorization to pass the advanced certification.
Thanks, I am current VCAP5 and VCP5, but I already signed up for VCP 6 lol. So guess I’ll go with that and then do VCIX.
Hi Vlan,
looking at taken the VCAP6 Deployment Exam, what books etc. would you recommend for Study guides
To my knowledge, there aren’t any so far.