Having the possibility manage vSphere and Hyper-V v3.0 seems exciting for homelabers and users willing to run vSphere with Microsoft Hyper-V in the same environment with a possibility to manage both with single tool – VMware vCenter. This becomes possible thanks to new beta release of VMware vCenter Multi Hypervizor Manager 1.1 (beta).
The product is slowly evolving into something that is already available on the market today. A product from Hotlink called Hotlink Supervizor Manager does exactly that, plus much more, where it can manage Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (KVM). There is a free version too. BTW they won VMworld 2012 Gold Award for that.
VMware vCenter Multi Hypervizor Manager 1.1 is free product which allows you to manage along with vSphere, the latest version of Microsoft Hyper-V. Not only manage, but also move VMs from one hypevizor to the other. The tool is provided with client and server part. In addition, during the setup you're asked to provide a converter standalone server IP address (optional) in order to convert VMs from Hyper-V to VMware format (and vice versa?)
What's new in this release of VMware vCenter Multi Hypervizor Manager 1.1?
- Migration of virtual machines from Hyper-V to ESX or ESXi hosts.
- Support for the latest Microsoft Hyper-V3 hypervisor (as well as the earlier versions).
- Increased scalability with regards to the number of supported third-party hosts to 50Â (from 20 in MHM 1.0).
- Ability to provide custom certificates for the MHM server from the installer wizard.
- Multiple objects selection in the UI and a number of other usability improvements.
- Plus a number of server and client-side bug fixes.
It's certainly a good move for VMware to provide tool like this. Many users are testing Hyper-V 3.0 in test environment side by side with VMware and having single management console makes somehow the management more easier. But isn't VMware just “cutting the branch where it sits”?
Feel free to download the VMware vCenter Multi Hypervizor Manager from VMware and provide feedback. You can also take part of the public beta at  MHM 1.1 beta community portal for details.
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Hi Vladan,
Do you happen to know when MHM (Multi-Hypervisor Manager) was deprecated? Or is it still in use? It seems like they would have made a much bigger deal about it if it was still in use. Thanks!